Growing up I wanted to be a grocery checker at Kroger. Every time I went to the store with my mom, I remember being mesmerized by the scanner and was consistently impressed how well the checker and bagger worked together. Luckily, I can now use the "self check" isles at Jewel AND teach Kindergarten. How lucky am I?!
Today the kids dressed up as a career they would like to have when they grow up. We had police officers, teachers, princesses, firemen, athletes, paleontologists, a magician, a face painter, an actress, an artist, and a magician.

These two scientists want to dig for dinosaur bones.

Keeping us safe and enforcing the laws.

Keeping us safe and protecting us from harm.

Being a princess is a tough job, but somebody has to do it.

Future educators. These girls make it look so easy.

She's ready for the red carpet.

Houdini better watch out.

Future athletes. Remember your friends at Garvy when we come asking you for tickets to your events fellas.

A career in face painting teams well with a lemonade stand!
What career did you aspire to have when you grew up?
23 days to go in our countdown!
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