Thursday, October 20, 2011

What We Learned About Sugar Gliders

"Sugar gliders eat meal worms." -Paul

"The sugar gliders glide around the room." -Alyssa

"The sugar glides jumped." -Joe

"The sugar gliders glide with the skin on their arms." -Adam

"I learned that sugar gliders can be black and brown." -Elena

"Sugar gliders have big eyes." -Russell

"Sugar gliders have big eyes so they can see in the dark." -Destiny

"I learned about sugar gliders that they sleep in the day." -Megan N.

"They hang upside down with their nails." -Lynette

"They eat bugs." -Calvin

"They have a treat at nighttime, it's fruit and vegetables." -Farris

"They eat insects." -Lillian

"If you give them a birds feather, they won't eat it." -Leah
(Birds are their biggest predator and will try to eat the sugar gliders).

"They glide." -Shea

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